Sponsors of YPiA ensure our organization's ability to continue to grow talent in agriculture. More information about sponsorship opportunities is outlined below. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email ypia.nebraska@gmail.com.
Platinum ($1,000 Donation)
Platinum sponsors of YPiA recieve the following benefits:
Opportunity to host/lead/facilitate a programming event in 2019
Tickets for 6 Young Professionals to the 2018 Executive Breakfast
Marketing materials (company provided) available at YPiA programming events in 2019
Recognition and signage (company provided) at the 2018 Executive Breakfast
Promotion via our social media outlets
Gold ($750 Donation)
Gold sponsors of YPiA recieve the following benefits:
Tickets for 4 Young Professionals to the 2018 Executive Breakfast
Marketing materials (company provided) available at YPiA programming events in 2019
Recognition and signage (company provided) at the 2018 Executive Breakfast
Promotion via social media outlets
Silver ($500 Donation)
Silver sponsors of YPiA recieve the following benefits:
Tickets for 2 Young Professionals to the 2018 Executive Breakfast
Recognition and signage (company provided) at the 2018 Executive Breakfast
Promotion via social media outlets